Student Packet 2019-2020

Table of Contents

1 Student Packet 2019-2020

1.1 Notes and Testing Schedule

1.1.1 Unit 1: Chapters 2-3

 Date       Day              Pages   Content                                            
 19 Aug   
 - Columbian Exchange                               
 - outwork                                          
 - mercantilism                                     
 - Jamestown                                        
 - House of Burgesses                               
 - royal colony                                     
 - development of tobacco                           
 - Lord Baltimore                                   
 - Maryland Toleration Act                          
 - headright system                                 
 - indentured servant                               
 - social development                               
 - African labor                                    
 20 Aug   
 - New France                                       
 - New Netherlands                                  
 - Puritan Philosophy and Plymouth Colony           
 - Mayflower Compact                                
 - Massachusetts Bay Colony                         
 - Pre-Destination                                  
 - Roger Williams                                   
 - Anne Hutchinson                                  
 - Conneticut                                       
 21 Aug   
 - Salem Witch Trials                               
 - town meetings                                    
 - Puritan Society                                  
 - King Phillip's War                               
 - Pequot War                                       
 - Bacon's Rebellion                                
 22 Aug   
 - Restoration Colonies                             
 - Penn & the Quakers                               
 - Navigation Acts                                  
 - Dominion of New England                          
 - Theories of John Locke                           
 - Results of the Glorious Revolution               
 23 Aug   
 - South Atlantic System                            
 - Middle Passage                                   
 - Beginnings of Slavery & Impact on the Chesapeake 
 - Chesapeake Social Development                    
 26 Aug   
 - African Slave Culture & Resistance               
 - Stono Rebellion                                  
 - Foundations for Northern Economy                 
 - Colonial Assemblies                              
 - Salutary Neglect                                 
 - Georgia                                          
 - Mercantilism                                     
 27 Aug     Tuesday       No Notes   Study for Exam                                     
 *28 Aug*   *Wednesday*     *Exam*   *Exam Unit 1*                                      

1.1.2 Unit 2: Chapters 4-6

 Date       Day            Pages   Content                                               
 28 Aug   
 - Freehold Society                                    
 - Quakers                                             
 - Early Immigrants                                    
 - Religious Beliefs                                   
 - Enlightenment in America                            
 29 Aug   
 - Great Awakening                                     
 - Whitefield                                          
 - Edwards                                             
 - Old Lights                                          
 - New Lights                                          
 30 Aug   
 - French & Indian War                                 
 - Pontiac's Uprising                                  
 - Albany Plan of the Union                            
 - Treaty of Paris (1763)                              
 2 Sep    
 - Paxton Boys                                         
 - Regulators                                          
 - results of the French and Indian War                
 3 Sep    
 - Proclamation of 1763                                
 - Sugar Act                                           
 - Stamp Act                                           
 - Stamp Act Congress                                  
 - Quartering Act                                      
 - Sons of Liberty                                     
 - Ideological Differences (3 total)                   
 - John Dickinson                                      
 4 Sep    
 - Declatory Act                                       
 - Townshend Acts                                      
 - Sons of Liberty                                     
 - Daughters of Liberty                                
 - Boston Massacre                                     
 5 Sep    
 - Committees of correspondence                        
 - Tea Act                                             
 - Boston Tea Party                                    
 - Intolerable or Coercive Acts                        
 - Quebec Act                                          
 - First Contintental Congress                         
 - Loyalists                                           
 - Olive Branch Petition                               
 - Proclamation for Suppressing Rebellion and Sedition 
 - Prohibitory Act                                     
 - /Common Sense/                                      
 - Declaration of Independence                         
 6 Sep    
 - War finances                                        
 - Treaty of Alliance                                  
 - Treaty of Paris (Revolutionary War)                 
 9 Sep    
 - Republican institutions                             
 - mixed government                                    
 - state constitutions                                 
 - debate about "mob rule"                             
 - Women's Rights                                      
 - Abigail Adammms                                     
 - Judith Sargent Murray                               
 - fate of the Loyalists                               
 - Native Americans                                    
 - Slaves                                              
 10 Sep   
 - Articles of Confederation                           
 - western land expansion                              
 - land ordinances                                     
 - Shay's Rebellion                                    
 11 Sep   
 - Constitutional Convention                           
 - Virginia and New Jersey Plans                       
 - debate about slavery                                
 - Great Compromise                                    
 - Three-Fifths Compromise                             
 - The Federalists                                     
 - Antifederalists                                     
 - /Federalist Papers/                                 
 - Washington's cabinet                                
 - The Bill of Rights                                  
 12 Sep     Thursday    No Notes   Study for Exam Unit 2                                 
 *13 Sep*   *Friday*      *Exam*   *Exam Unit 2*                                         

1.1.3 Unit 3: Chapters 7-9

 Date      Day             Pages   Content                                    
 13 Sep  
 - Executive departments                    
 - Judiciary Act of 1789                    
 - Bill of Rights                           
 - Hamilton's economic program              
 - Bank of U.S.                             
 - Jefferson's agricultural vision          
 16 Sep  
 - Proclamation of Neutrality               
 - French Revolution's effect on U.S.       
 - Whiskey Rebellion                        
 - Jay's Treaty                             
 - Haitian Revolution                       
 - Election of 1796                         
 - Political Parties                        
 - XYZ Affair                               
 - Alien and Sedition Acts                  
 - Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions        
 - Revolution of 1800                       
 17 Sep  
 - Battle of Fallen Timbers                 
 - Treaty of Greenville                     
 - Native American assimilation             
 - Eli Whitney                              
 - The Cotton Gin                           
 18 Sep  
 - Virginia Dynasty                         
 - John Marshall                            
 - /Marbury v. Madison/                     
 - Judiciary Act of 1801                    
 - Jefferson's Presidency                   
 - Pinckey Treaty                           
 - Louisiana Purchase                       
 - Lewis & Clark                            
 - Effect on New England Federalists        
 - Burr duel and conspiracy                 
 19 Sep  
 - Impressment                              
 - Chesapeake-Leopard Affair                
 - Embargo of 1807                          
 - Non-Intercourse Act                      
 - Macon's Bill No. 2                       
 - War Hawks                                
 - Causes of War of 1812                    
 - Federalist Opposition to the War of 1812 
 - Hartford Convention                      
 - The Treaty of Ghent                      
 - Jackson's Victory at New Orleans         
 20 Sep  
 - Marshall's philosophy                    
 - /Marbury v. Madison/                     
 - /McCulloch v. Maryland/                  
 - /Gibbons v. Ogden/                       
 - /Fletcher v. Peck/                       
 - /Dartmouth College v. Woodward/          
 - Era of Good Feelings                     
 - John Quincy Adams                        
 - Rush-Bagot Treaty                        
 - Adams-Onis Treaty                        
 - Monroe Doctrine                          
 23 Sep  
 - Bank of the United States                
 - Panic of 1819                            
 - manufacturing                            
 - transportation                           
 - turnpikes                                
 - Cr\egrave{}vecoeur                       
 - Social Mobility in America               
 - voting rights for men                    
 24 Sep  
 - Republican Motherhood                    
 - parenting                                
 - early education                          
 - Noah Webster                             
 - Washington Irving                        
 25 Sep  
 - Manumission                              
 - gradual emancipation                     
 - justification for slavery                
 - Prosser's Rebellion                      
 - American Colonization Society            
 - Tallmadge Amendment                      
 - slavery                                  
 - national politics                        
 - Missouri Compromise                      
 - 2nd Great Awakening                      
 26 Sep  
 - Industrial Revolution                    
 - The Factory System                       
 - Samuel Colt                              
 - Cyrus McCormick                          
 - British v. American manufacturing        
 - Waltham-Lowell System                    
 - Eli Whitney                              
 - development of labor unions              
 - /Commonwealth v. Hunt/                   
 27 Sep  
 - Erie Canal                               
 - Robert Fulton                            
 - The Steamboat                            
 - /Gibbons v. Ogden/                       
 - John Deere                               
 - railroad construction                    
 30 Sep  
 - Business Elite                           
 - Middle Class                             
 - James Fennimore Cooper                   
 - Urban Poor                               
 - Benevolent Empire                        
 1 Oct   
 - 2nd Great Awakening                      
 - Charles Finney                           
 - Temperance                               
 - Nativism                                 
 - Catholicism                              
 2 Oct     Wednesday    No Notes   Study for Exam Unit 3                      
 *3 Oct*   *Thursday*     *Exam*   *Exam Unit 3*                              

1.1.4 Unit 4: Chapters 10-11

 Date       Day            Pages   Content                                      
 3 Oct    
 - Changes in Electoral Politics              
 - Martin Van Buren                           
 - Election of 1824                           
 - Spoils System                              
 - John Quincy Adams                          
 - American System                            
 - Tariff of Abominations                     
 - Election of 1828                           
 4 Oct    
 - Kitchen Cabinet                            
 - Spoils System                              
 - Maysville Road Veto                        
 - Nullification Crisis                       
 - /South Carolina Exposition and Protest/    
 - Force Bill                                 
 - Bank War                                   
 7 Oct    
 - Five civilized tribes                      
 - Indian Removal Act of 1830                 
 - /Cherokee Nation v. Georgia/               
 - /Worcester v. Georgia/                     
 - Trail of Tears                             
 - /Charles River Bridge Case/                
 - Roger B. Taney & court cases               
 8 Oct    
 - Whig Party members                         
 - Whig Ideology                              
 - Whigs & Anti-Masons                        
 - Election of 1836                           
 - Panic of 1837                              
 - Specie Circular of 1836                    
 - Battle of Tippecanoe                       
 - Election of 1840                           
 - Log Cabin Hard Cider Campaign              
 9 Oct    
 - Transcendentalism                          
 - Emerson                                    
 - Thoreau                                    
 - Fuller                                     
 - Whitman                                    
 - Melville                                   
 - Hawthorne                                  
 - Utopias                                    
 - Brook Farm                                 
 - Shakers                                    
 - Fourier                                    
 - Oneida                                     
 - Joe Smith                                  
 - BYU                                        
 10 Oct   
 - Minstrelsy                                 
 - David Walker                               
 - Nat Turner's Rebellion                     
 - William Lloyd Garrison                     
 - The /Liberator/                            
 - Weld                                       
 - American Anti-Slavery Society              
 - The Underground Railroad                   
 - Divisions Within the Abolitionist Movement 
 - Grimke Sisters                             
 - American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society  
 - The Liberty Party                          
 11 Oct   
 - Republican Mother                          
 - Dorothea Dix                               
 - Horace Mann                                
 - Grimke Sisters                             
 - Seneca Falls                               
 - Elizabeth Stanton                          
 - Lucretia Mott                              
 - Declaration of Sentiments                  
 14 Oct     Monday      No Notes   Study for Exam Unit 4                        
 *15 Oct*   *Tuesday*     *Exam*   Exam Unit 4                                  

1.1.5 Unit 5: Chapters 12-14

 Date       Day            Pages   Content                                                
 15 Oct   
 - Domestic Slave Trade                                 
 - Southern Whites                                      
 - Planter Elite                                        
 - Slave Society                                        
 - Gang Labor                                           
 16 Oct   
 - Southern Class Structure                             
 - Settlement of Texas                                  
 - African-Americans and Religion                       
 - Slave Culture                                        
 - Task System                                          
 - Slave Survival                                       
 - Free African-Americans                               
 17 Oct   
 - Manifest Destiny                                     
 - Expansion into Oregon and California                 
 - Plains Indians                                       
 - Polk's Election                                      
 - Mexican-American War                                 
 - Slidell Mission                                      
 - Polk & Expansion                                     
 - Whig Split                                           
 - Wilmot Proviso                                       
 - Election of 1848                                     
 18 Oct   
 - California Gold Rush                                 
 - Compromise of 1850                                   
 - Fire-Eaters                                          
 - Fugitive Slawe Act                                   
 - /Uncle Tom's Cabin/                                  
 - Personal Liberty Laws                                
 - /Ableman v. Booth/                                   
 21 Oct   
 - Decline of the Whig Party                            
 - Gadsden Purchase                                     
 - Ostend Manifesto                                     
 - Kansas-Nebraska Act                                  
 - Republican Party                                     
 - Know-Nothing Party                                   
 - Bleeding Kansas                                      
 - /Dred Scott v. Sandford/                             
 - Lecompton Constitution                               
 - Lincoln-Douglas Debates                              
 - John Brown's Raid                                    
 - Election of 1860                                     
 22 Oct   
 - Crittenden Compromise                                
 - Military Draft in the North and South                
 - Economic Mobilization for War in the North and South 
 23 Oct   
 - Contrabands                                          
 - Emancipation Proclamation                            
 24 Oct     Thursday    No Notes   Study for Exam Unit 5                                  
 *25 Oct*   *Friday*      *Exam*   *Exam Unit 5*                                          

1.1.6 Unit 6: Chapters 15-16

 Date      Day              Pages   Content                                   
 25 Oct  
 - 10% Plan                                
 - Wade-Davis Bill                         
 - Lincoln's Assassination                 
 - Black Codes                             
 - Radical Republicans                     
 - Johnson's Reconstruction Plan           
 - Freedman's Bureau                       
 - Civil Rights Act of 1866                
 - 14th Amendment                          
 28 Oct  
 - Reconstruction Act of 1867              
 - Election of 1868                        
 - Tenure of Office Act                    
 - Impeachment                             
 - 15th Amendment                          
 - Poll Taxes                              
 - Literacy Tests                          
 - American Woman's Suffrage Association   
 - National Woman's Suffrage Association   
 29 Oct  
 - Sharecropping                           
 - Carpetbaggers & Scalawags               
 - Civil Rights Act of 1875                
 30 Oct  
 - KKK                                     
 - Depression of 1873                      
 - Grant's Scandals                        
 - Election of 1876                        
 - Hayes and Tilden                        
 - Compromise of 1877                      
 - Failure of Reconstruction               
 31 Oct  
 - The Transcontinental Railroad           
 - Perry and Japan                         
 - Treaty of Kanagawa                      
 - Opening Trade with Japan                
 - Burlingame Treaty                       
 - Tariffs                                 
 - Railroad Construction                   
 - /Munn v. Illinois/                      
 - Gold Standard                           
 - Homestead Act of 1862                   
 1 Nov   
 - Mining                                  
 - Comstock Lode                           
 - Land Grant System                       
 - Cattle Kingdom                          
 - Exodusters                              
 - Life on the Plains                      
 - Yosemite and Yellowstone National Parks 
 4 Nov   
 - Bureau of Indian Affairs                
 - Battle of Little Big Horn               
 - Reservation System                      
 - Black Hills of South Dakota             
 - Dawes Severalty Act                     
 - Ghost Dance                             
 - Wounded Knee                            
 - Frederick Jackson Turner                
 5 Nov     Tuesday       No Notes   Study for Exam Unit 6                     
 *6 Nov*   *Wednesday*     *Exam*   *Exam Unit 6*                             

1.1.7 Unit 7: Chapters 17-18

 Date       Day            Pages   Content                                       
 6 Nov    
 - Andrew Carnegie                             
 - Homestead Strike                            
 - Management Revolution                       
 - Gustavus Swift                              
 - Vertical Integration                        
 - Predatory Pricing                           
 - John Rockefeller                            
 - Horizontal Integration                      
 - Trust                                       
 - Gospel of Wealth                            
 - Robber Barons                               
 - F.W. Woolworth                              
 - Montgomery Ward                             
 - Sears                                       
 - Print Advertising                           
 7 Nov    
 - Blue and White Collar Workers               
 - Corporations                                
 - Scientific Management                       
 - Dangers of Industrialization                
 - Child Labor                                 
 - Deskilling                                  
 - Mass Production                             
 8 Nov    
 - Immigration                                 
 - Asian Immigration                           
 - Chinese Exclusion Act                       
 11 Nov   
 - Great Railroad Strike of 1877               
 - /Progress and Poverty/                      
 - National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry 
 - Greenback-Labor Party                       
 - Granger Laws                                
 - Knights of Labor                            
 - Haymarket Riot                              
 - Farmers Alliance                            
 - The Interstate Commerce Act                 
 - /Wabash v. Illinois/                        
 - Closed Shop                                 
 - AFL                                         
 - Samuel Gompers                              
 12 Nov   
 - Consumer Culture                            
 - Thomas Edison                               
 - P.T. Barnum                                 
 - Alexander Graham Bell                       
 - /Plessy v. Ferguson/                        
 - Jim Crow Laws                               
 - /Brown v. Board/                            
 - YMCA                                        
 - Baseball                                    
 - Negro Leagues                               
 - American Football                           
 13 Nov   
 - Sierra Club                                 
 - National Park Service                       
 - National Audubon Society                    
 - Life in the Middle Class                    
 - Gender Roles                                
 - Attitudes on Raising Children               
 - Comstock Act                                
 - Education                                   
 - Booker T. Washington                        
 - Tuskegee Institute                          
 - Atlanta Compromise                          
 14 Nov   
 - Maternalism                                 
 - WCTU                                        
 - Daughters of the American Revolution        
 - National Association of Colored Women       
 - Ida Wells                                   
 - NAWSA                                       
 - Feminism                                    
 - Social Darwinism                            
 - Eugenics                                    
 - Realism                                     
 - Naturalism                                  
 - Modernism                                   
 15 Nov   
 - Different Religious Practice                
 - American Protective Association             
 - Social Gospel                               
 - The Salvation Army                          
 - Fundamentalism                              
 - Dwight Moody                                
 - Billy Sunday                                
 18 Nov     Monday      No Notes   Study for Exam Unit 7                         
 *19 Nov*   *Tuesday*     *Exam*   *Exam Unit 7*                                 

1.1.8 Unit 8: Chapters 19-20

 Date     Day           Pages   Content                           
 19 Nov 
 - Growth of the City              
 - Mass Transit                    
 - Industry                        
 - Bridges                         
 - Skyscrapers                     
 - Terminals                       
 - Ethnic Neighborhoods            
 - Tenements                       
 - Vaudeville Theater              
 - Amusement Parks                 
 - Dumbbell Tenement               
 - Ragtime                         
 - Scott Joplin                    
 - W.C. Handy                      
 - Blues                           
 - New Dating Patterns             
 - Joseph Pulitzer                 
 - William Randolph Hearst         
 - Yellow Journalism               
 - Muckrakers                      
 - Ida Tarbell                     
 - David Phillips                  
 - /McClure's/                     
 - Characteristics of the Rich     
 20 Nov 
 - Lincoln Steffens                
 - /The Shame of the Cities/       
 - Political Machines              
 - Tammany Hall                    
 - Boss Tweed                      
 - National Municipal League       
 21 Nov 
 - Public Health                   
 - "City Beautiful" Movement       
 - Progressivism                   
 - Jacob Riis                      
 - /How the Other Half Lives/      
 - Red Light Districts             
 - Social Settlement               
 - Jane Addams and Hull House      
 - Margaret Sanger                 
 - Upton Sinclair                  
 - /The Jungle/                    
 - Meat Inspection Act             
 - Pure Food and Drug Act          
 - Triangle Shirtwaist Fire        
 22 Nov 
 - "Waving the Bloody Shirt"       
 - Gilded Age                      
 - Pendleton Act                   
 - Mugwumps                        
 - Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)    
 - Populist                        
 - Omaha Platform                  
 - Haymarket Square Riot           
 - Homestead Strike                
 - Pullman Strike                  
 - Coxey's Army                    
 - Depression of 1893              
 - Free Silver                     
 - Grandfather Clause              
 - /Williams v. Mississippi/       
 - Poll Taxes and Literacy Tests   
 - Solid South                     
 2 Dec  
 - Gold Standard                   
 - William Jennings Bryan          
 - Cross of Gold                   
 - 17th Amendment                  
 - /In re Jacobs/                  
 - /Lochner v. New York/           
 - Coal Strike of 1902             
 - Elkins Act                      
 - Bureau of Corporations          
 - Sherman Antitrust Act           
 - Northern Securities Company     
 - Hepburn Act (1906)              
 - /Standard Oil Decision/         
 - Roosevelt and Conservation      
 - John Muir                       
 - Newlands Reclamation Act        
 - Election of 1908                
 3 Dec  
 - Robert La Follette              
 - Wisconsin Idea                  
 - Recall                          
 - Referendum                      
 - National Child Labor Committee  
 - /Mueller v. Oregon/             
 - Workers Compensation            
 - /Plessy v. Ferguson/            
 - W.E.B. Du Bois                  
 - Talented Tenth                  
 - NAACP                           
 - /The Crisis/                    
 - Industrial Workers of the World 
 - Taft and New Nationalism        
 - "Bull Moose"                    
 - Eugene V. Debs                  
 - Socialist Party of America      
 - New Freedom                     
 - 16th Amendment (1913)           
 - The Federal Reserve Act (1913)  
 - Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)    
 - Adamson Act                     
 - Seamen's Act                    
 - /Birth of a Nation/             

1.1.9 Semester 1 Review

 Date       Day          Pages     Content                      
 4 Dec      Wednesday    Review    Review Unit 1                
 5 Dec      Thursday     Review    Review Unit 2                
 6 Dec      Friday       Review    Review Unit 3                
 9 Dec      Monday       Review    Review Unit 4                
 10 Dec     Tuesday      Review    Review Unit 5                
 11 Dec     Wednesday    Review    Review Unit 6                
 12 Dec     Thursday     Review    Review Unit 7                
 13 Dec     Friday       Review    Review Unit 8                
 16 Dec     Monday       Final     Essay and Short Answer Final 
 17 Dec     Tuesday      Final     Multiple Choice Final        
 *19 Dec*   *Thursday*   *Grade*   *Grade Evaluations*          

1.1.10 Unit 9: Chapters 21-22

 Date       Day            Pages   Content                                        
 13 Jan   
 - American Exceptionalism                      
 - Josiah Strong                                
 - /Our Country/                                
 - Anglo-Saxonism                               
 - Social Darwinism                             
 - Alfred T. Mahan                              
 - /The Influence of Sea Power upon History/    
 - Venezuela Crisis                             
 - Monroe Doctrine                              
 - War of 1898 (Spanish-American War)           
 - Cuban Rebellion                              
 - Yellow Journalism                            
 - De L\ocirc{}me Letter                        
 - /USS Maine/                                  
 - Teller Amendment                             
 - Rough Riders                                 
 - Dewey and the Philippines                    
 - Hawaii                                       
 - Puerto Rico                                  
 - Guam                                         
 14 Jan   
 - Controlling the Philippines                  
 - Emilio Aguinaldo                             
 - "Splendid Little War"                        
 - Anti-Imperialism League                      
 - Insular Cases                                
 - Platt Amendment                              
 - Jones Act                                    
 - Open-Door Policy                             
 - Boxer Rebellion                              
 - Root-Takahira Agreement                      
 - Roosevelt's Big Stick Policy                 
 - Hay-Pounceforte Treaty                       
 - Panama Canal                                 
 - Roosevelt Corollary                          
 - Wilson and Mexico                            
 15 Jan   
 - WWI and New Technology                       
 - American Struggle for Neutrality             
 - Isolationism                                 
 - Interventionists                             
 - Sussex Pledge                                
 - The /Lusitania/                              
 - Zimmerman Telegram                           
 - Selective Service Act of 1917 (conscription) 
 16 Jan   
 - Segregation in the Military                  
 - Taxation                                     
 - Food Aministration                           
 - WIB (War Industries Board)                   
 - NWLB                                         
 - CPI                                          
 - American Protective League                   
 - Committe on Public Information               
 - George Creel                                 
 - Espionage Act of 1917                        
 - Sedition Act of 1918                         
 - /Schenck v. U.S./                            
 17 Jan   
 - Great Migration                              
 - Women and the War                            
 - NWP                                          
 - Fight for Women's Suffrage                   
 - 19th Amendment                               
 - Treaty of Versailles                         
 - 14 Points                                    
 - League of Nations                            
 - The Irreconcilables                          
 - Henry Lodge                                  
 20 Jan   
 - Chicago Race Riots                           
 - First Red Scare                              
 - A. Mitchell Palmer                           
 - Palmer Raids                                 
 - Sacco & Vanzetti Case                        
 - Welfare Capitalism                           
 - Return to Normalcy                           
 - Sheppard-Towner Bill                         
 - Women and Politics                           
 - Harding's Scandals                           
 - Teapot Dome                                  
 - McNary-Haugen Bills                          
 21 Jan   
 - Dollar Diplomacy                             
 - Prohibition                                  
 - ACLU                                         
 - Scopes Trial                                 
 - Nativism                                     
 - Gentleman's Agreement                        
 - National Origins Act of 1924                 
 - Ku Klux Klan                                 
 - Election of 1928                             
 - Al Smith                                     
 22 Jan   
 - Harlem Renaissance                           
 - /New Negro/                                  
 - Zora Neale Hurston                           
 - Jazz                                         
 - The /Jazz Singer/                            
 - Louis Armstrong                              
 - Duke Ellington                               
 - Jazz Age                                     
 - UNIA                                         
 - Marcus Garvey                                
 - Lost Generation                              
 - Hemmingway                                   
 - O'Neil                                       
 - /Babbitt/                                    
 - /The Great Gatsby/                           
 23 Jan   
 - Boom to Bust                                 
 - Overseas Economic Expansion                  
 - Consumer Culture                             
 - Consumer Credit                              
 - Model T                                      
 - Automobile                                   
 - Hollywood                                    
 - Movie Stars                                  
 - Flappers                                     
 24 Jan   
 - Investing on Stock Market                    
 - Margin Buying                                
 - Speculation                                  
 - Income Distribution                          
 - Depression's Effect on Americans             
 - Causes of the Great Depression               
 27 Jan     Monday      No Notes   Study for Exam Unit 9                          
 *28 Jan*   *Tuesday*     *Exam*   *Exam Unit 9*                                  

1.1.11 Unit 10: Chapters 23-24

 Date       Day              Pages   Content                                      
 28 Jan   
 - Hoover's Response                          
 - Hawley-Smoot Tariff                        
 - Hoovervilles                               
 - RFC                                        
 - Bonus Army                                 
 - Election of 1932                           
 29 Jan   
 - New Deal                                   
 - Fireside Chats                             
 - Brain Trust                                
 - Hundred Days                               
 - Emergency Banking Act                      
 - Glass-Steagall Act                         
 - FDIC                                       
 - AAA                                        
 - NIRA                                       
 - NRA                                        
 - PWA                                        
 - CWA                                        
 - CCC                                        
 - HOLC                                       
 - FHA                                        
 30 Jan   
 - SEC                                        
 - /Schechter v. U.S./                        
 - Huey Long                                  
 - Francis Townsend                           
 - Father Coughlin                            
 31 Jan   
 - 2nd New Deal                               
 - Wagner Act                                 
 - NLRB                                       
 - Social Security                            
 - WPA                                        
 - Court Packing                              
 - Roosevelt Recession                        
 - Keynesian Economics                        
 - CIO                                        
 - Lewis                                      
 - Growth of Labor Unions                     
 - Frances Perkins                            
 - Eleanor Roosevelt                          
 - New Deal's Effect on Minorities            
 - Scottsboro Case                            
 - STFU                                       
 - Mexican and Asian Immigrants               
 - Tydings-McDuffie Act                       
 3 Feb    
 - Dust Bowl                                  
 - TVA                                        
 - REA                                        
 - FWP                                        
 - /The Grapes of Wrath/                      
 - Dorothea Lange                             
 - /Their Eyes Were Watching God/             
 - Zora Hurston                               
 - Legacy of the New Deal                     
 - Impact of the New Deal on American Society 
 4 Feb    
 - Growth of Fascism                          
 - Italy                                      
 - Japan                                      
 - Germany                                    
 - Nye Committee                              
 - Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, 1937        
 - Appeasement                                
 - Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact            
 - Destroyers for Bases                       
 - Lend Lease Act                             
 - Four Freedoms Speech                       
 - /Atlantic Charter/                         
 - American Neutrality                        
 - Pearl Harbor                               
 5 Feb    
 - War Powers Act                             
 - Imperial Presidency                        
 - Revenue Act of 1942                        
 - War Bonds                                  
 - WPB                                        
 - Growth of the Military                     
 - African-Americans in the Military          
 - Navajo Code Talkers                        
 - Women in the Military                      
 6 Feb    
 - Rosie the Riveter                          
 - NWLB                                       
 - FEPC                                       
 - A. Philip Randolph                         
 - Executive Order 8802                       
 - CORE                                       
 - Bracero Program                            
 - LULAC                                      
 - GI Bill of Rights                          
 - "Victory Gardens"                          
 - OWI                                        
 - Popular Culture during the War             
 - Rationing                                  
 - Migration during the War                   
 - Zoot Suit Riots                            
 - Gay and Lesbian Communities                
 - Japanese Internment                        
 - Executive Order 9066                       
 - /Korematsu v. U.S./                        
 7 Feb    
 - Casablanca Conference                      
 - Teheran Conference                         
 - D-Day                                      
 - Battle of the Bulge                        
 - V-E Day                                    
 - Holocaust                                  
 - Battle of Coral Sea                        
 - Battle of Midway                           
 - Battle of Guadalcanal                      
 - Battle of Iwo Jima and Okinawa             
 - Yalta Conference                           
 - Manhattan Project                          
 - Truman's Decision to Drop the Bomb         
 - Hiroshima                                  
 - Nagasaki                                   
 - Japan's Surrender                          
 - Effects of the War                         
 10 Feb     Monday        No Notes   Study for DBQ Exam Unit 10 and Exam Unit 10  
 *11 Feb*   *Tuesday*       *Exam*   *DBQ Exam Unit 10*                           
 *12 Feb*   *Wednesday*     *Exam*   *Exam Unit 10*                               

1.1.12 Unit 11: Chapters 25-26

 Date       Day              Pages   Content                                       
 12 Feb   
 - Cold War                                    
 - Yalta                                       
 - Potsdam Conference                          
 - Iron Curtain                                
 - Containment                                 
 - George Kennan                               
 - United Nations                              
 - Truman Doctrine                             
 - National Security Act                       
 - Marshall Plan                               
 13 Feb   
 - NATO                                        
 - Berlin Airlift                              
 - Warsaw Pact                                 
 - Communist China                             
 - NSC 68                                      
 - Korean War                                  
 14 Feb   
 - Taft-Hartley Act                            
 - Truman's Fair Deal                          
 - HUAC                                        
 - Second Red Scare                            
 - Blacklisting                                
 - Hollywood Ten                               
 - Loyalty Program                             
 - Alger Hiss                                  
 - The Rosenbergs                              
 - McCarthy and McCarthyism                    
 17 Feb   
 - Modern Republicanism                        
 - Ike                                         
 - "Peaceful Coexistance"                      
 - New Look                                    
 - Massive Retaliation                         
 - SEATO                                       
 - CIA                                         
 - Iran                                        
 - Guatemala                                   
 - Middle-East                                 
 - Suez Canal                                  
 - Domino Theory                               
 - Eisenhower Doctrine                         
 - Involvement in Vietnam                      
 18 Feb   
 - John F. Kennedy                             
 - New Frontier                                
 - Bay of Pigs                                 
 - Cuban Missile Crisis                        
 19 Feb   
 - Peace Corps                                 
 - Brinkmanship                                
 - Flexible Response                           
 - Green Berets                                
 - Involvement in Vietnam                      
 20 Feb   
 - Bretton Woods System                        
 - The Domestic Boom                           
 - Military-Industrial Complex                 
 - Sputnik                                     
 - National Defense Education Act              
 - IMF                                         
 - Affluent Society                            
 - /The Other America/                         
 - Veteran's Administration                    
 - Labor and Collective Bargaining             
 21 Feb   
 - Consumer Culture                            
 - Television and Programming                  
 - James Dean                                  
 - /Rebel Without a Cause/                     
 - "Teenagers" and Teen Culture                
 - Rock 'n' Roll                               
 - Elvis Presley                               
 - Mototown                                    
 - The Beats and Jack Kerouac                  
 - /On the Road/                               
 - Religion and Middle Class                   
 - Ecumenism                                   
 - Baby Boom                                   
 - Spock                                       
 24 Feb   
 - /Griswold v. Connecticut/                   
 - /Shelley v. Kramer/                         
 - Levittowns                                  
 - National Interstate and Defense Highway Act 
 - Fast Food and Shopping Malls                
 - Sunbelt                                     
 - Kerner Commission                           
 - Urban Crisis                                
 - Urban Immigrants                            
 25 Feb     Tuesday       No Notes   Study for DBQ Exam Unit 11 and Exam Unit 11   
 *26 Feb*   *Wednesday*     *Exam*   *DBQ Exam Unit 11*                            
 *27 Feb*   *Thursday*      *Exam*   *Exam Unit 11*                                

1.1.13 Unit 12: Chapters 27-28

 Date       Day             Pages   Content                                                   
 27 Feb   
 - Origins of the Civil Rights Movement                    
 - Double-V Campaign                                       
 - CORE                                                    
 - Jackie Robinson                                         
 - Truman and Civil Rights                                 
 - States' Rights Democratic Party (Dixiecrats)            
 - American GI Forum                                       
 - Thurgood Marshall                                       
 - /Brown v. Board/                                        
 - /Brown II/                                              
 - Southern Manifesto                                      
 - Little Rock Arkansas and Central High                   
 28 Feb   
 - Montgomery Bus Boycott                                  
 - Rosa Parks                                              
 - Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)         
 - Sit-ins                                                 
 - Ella Baker                                              
 - Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)        
 - Freedom Riders                                          
 2 Mar    
 - Birmingham                                              
 - March on Washington                                     
 - "I Have a Dream"                                        
 - Civil Rights Act of 1964                                
 - Freedom Summer                                          
 - Selma March                                             
 - Voting Rights Act of 1965                               
 3 Mar    
 - Malcom X                                                
 - Black Power                                             
 - Black Panthers                                          
 - Young Lords                                             
 - African-Americans and the Political System              
 - National Black Political Agenda                         
 - "Long Hot Summer"                                       
 - Watts and Detroit Riots                                 
 - Kerner Commission                                       
 - Assassination of Dr. King                               
 - United Farm Workers (UFW)                               
 - Chicano Movement                                        
 - American Indian Movement (AIM)                          
 4 Mar    
 - LBJ and Great Society                                   
 - Economic Opportunity Act                                
 - Head Start                                              
 - Upward Bound                                            
 - Job Corps                                               
 - VISTA                                                   
 - Elementary and Secondary Education Act                  
 - Higher Education Act                                    
 - Medicaid                                                
 - Medicare                                                
 - Department of Housing and Urban Development             
 - Immigration Act of 1965                                 
 - Equal Pay Act                                           
 - Betty Friedan and /The Feminine Mystique/               
 - Presidential Commission on the Status of Women          
 - NOW                                                     
 5 Mar    
 - Tonkin Gulf Resolution                                  
 - Operation Rolling Thunder                               
 - Opinions about Vietnam                                  
 - Credibility Gap                                         
 - Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)                 
 - Port Huron Statement                                    
 - New Left                                                
 - Free Speech Movement                                    
 - Counterculture                                          
 6 Mar    
 - Tet Offensive                                           
 - Assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy 
 - 1968 Democratic National Convention                     
 - Yippies                                                 
 - 1968 Presidential Election                              
 9 Mar    
 - Chicano Moratorium Committee                            
 - National Black Antiwar Antidraft League                 
 - Women's LIberation Movement                             
 - Title IX                                                
 - National Women's Political Caucus                       
 - Equal Credit Opportunity Act                            
 - Stonewall Inn                                           
 - National Gay Task Force                                 
 10 Mar   
 - Silent Majority                                         
 - Vietnamization                                          
 - Kent State University                                   
 - Jackson State University                                
 - My Lai Massacre                                         
 - D\eacute{}tente                                         
 - SALT I                                                  
 - Nixon's Visit to China                                  
 - "Peace is at Hand"                                      
 - Christmas Bombings                                      
 - Paris Peace Accords                                     
 - Khmer Rouge                                             
 - Warren Court                                            
 - /Miranda v. Arizona/                                    
 - Busing                                                  
 - The 1972 Election                                       
 11 Mar     Wednesday    No Notes   Study for Exam Unit 12                                    
 *12 Mar*   *Thursday*     *Exam*   *Exam Unit 12*                                            

1.1.14 Unit 13: Chapters 29-31

 Date     Day             Pages   Content                                                           
 12 Mar 
 - Energy Crisis                                                   
 - OPEC                                                            
 - Yom Kippur War                                                  
 - Environmentalism                                                
 - /Silent Spring/                                                 
 - Earth Day                                                       
 - Environmental Protection Agency                                 
 - Clean Air Act                                                   
 - Occupational Health and Safety Act                              
 - Water Pollution Control Act                                     
 - Endangered Species Act                                          
 - Three Mile Island                                               
 - Global Economic Competition                                     
 - Stagflation                                                     
 - Nixon's Wage and Price Controls                                 
 - Removal of the Gold Standard                                    
 - Whip Inflation Now                                              
 - Deindustrialization                                             
 - Rust Belt                                                       
 - Effect of Deindustrialization in Labor                          
 - Tax Revolt                                                      
 - Proposition 13                                                  
 13 Mar 
 - Watergate                                                       
 - DNC                                                             
 - CREEP                                                           
 - Woodward and Bernstein                                          
 - Resignation of Nixon                                            
 - War Powers Act                                                  
 - Freedom of Information Act                                      
 - Ethics in Government Act                                        
 - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act                           
 - Jimmy Carter                                                    
 - Deregulation                                                    
 - MEOW                                                            
 16 Mar 
 - Affirmative Action                                              
 - /Bakke v. University of California/                             
 - /Our Bodies, Ourselves/                                         
 - ERA                                                             
 - Phyllis Schlafly                                                
 - STOP ERA                                                        
 - /Griswold v. Connecticut/                                       
 - /Roe v. Wade/                                                   
 - Harvey Milk                                                     
 - Burger Court                                                    
 - Women and the Workforce                                         
 - "Blue Collar Blues"                                             
 - Sexual Revolution                                               
 - Birth Control Pill                                              
 17 Mar 
 - Evangelicalism                                                  
 - Billy Graham                                                    
 - Televangelists                                                  
 - Beliefs of Evangelical Christians                               
 18 Mar 
 - Barry Goldwater                                                 
 - Ronald Reagan                                                   
 - /Conscience of a Conservative/                                  
 - New Right                                                       
 - Religious Right                                                 
 - Jerry Falwell                                                   
 - Focus on the Family                                             
 - Moral Majority                                                  
 - Office of Human Rights at the State Department                  
 - Camp David Accords                                              
 - Panama Canal                                                    
 - SALT II                                                         
 - Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan                                  
 - IRan Hostage Crisis                                             
 - Election of 1980                                                
 19 Mar 
 - Reagan Coalition                                                
 - Moral Majority                                                  
 - Republican Party Platform                                       
 - Reaganomics                                                     
 - Economic Recovery Tax of 1981                                   
 - National Debt                                                   
 - Deregulation                                                    
 - Reagan and the Supreme Court                                    
 - AIDS                                                            
 - Election of 1984                                                
 - The Culture of Success and Donald Trump                         
 - The Computer Revolution                                         
 20 Mar 
 - Strategic Defense Initiative                                    
 - START                                                           
 - Fighting Communism Around the World                             
 - Iran-Contra Affair                                              
 - Sandinistas                                                     
 - Contras                                                         
 - Oliver North                                                    
 - Mikhail Gorbachev                                               
 - Glasnost                                                        
 - Perestroika                                                     
 - Solidarity                                                      
 - Destruction of the Berlin Wall                                  
 - Election of 1988                                                
 - America and the Middle East                                     
 - Persian Gulf War                                                
 23 Mar 
 - Globalization                                                   
 - European Union                                                  
 - Chinese Economy                                                 
 - G8                                                              
 - WTO                                                             
 - NAFTA                                                           
 - Multinationals                                                  
 - Outsourcing                                                     
 - Effects of Deregulation                                         
 24 Mar 
 - Effects of Technology                                           
 - "Culture War"                                                   
 - Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965                         
 - Immigration Reform and Control Act                              
 - Proposition 187                                                 
 - Multiculturalism                                                
 - Affirmative Action                                              
 - Proposition 209                                                 
 - Proposition 227                                                 
 - /Roe v. Wade/                                                   
 - Operation Rescue                                                
 - Gay Rights                                                      
 - Defense of Marriage Act                                         
 - Court Cases and the Culture War                                 
 25 Mar 
 - Election of 1992                                                
 - Health Care                                                     
 - Clinton's Budget                                                
 - "Contract with America"                                         
 - AFDC                                                            
 - Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act 
 - Lewinsky affair                                                 
 - NATO                                                            
 - Breakup of Yugoslavia                                           
 - Issues in the Middle East                                       
 26 Mar 
 - Election of 2000                                                
 - Bush and Taxes                                                  
 - 9/11                                                            
 - USA Patriot Act                                                 
 - Iraq War                                                        
 - Election of 2004                                                
 - Hurricane Katrina                                               
 - Emergency Economic Stabilization Act                            
 - Obama's Presidency                                              
 - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act                          
 - Tea Party                                                       
 - Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act                      
 - "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"                                         
 - Obama's Middle East Policy                                      
 - Climate Change                                                  

AP Exam: Friday, 8 May

1.2 Vocabulary

1.2.1 Unit 1: Chapters 2-3

  1. Mercantilism
    • Economic theory
    • that was based upon all colonies existing to further strengthen the mother country
    • This theory was prevalent in the New World
    • and caused discontent among American businessmen and traders
  2. Headright System
  3. Indentured Servant
  4. Roger Williams
  5. Anne Hutchinson
  6. Thomas Hooker
  7. Quakers
  8. Puritans
  9. Pilgrims
  10. King Philip's War

1.2.2 Unit 2: Chapters 4-6

  1. Great Awakening
  2. The Enlightenment
  3. Navigation Acts
  4. Townshend Acts
  5. Proclamation of 1763
  6. Sugar Act
  7. Stamp Act
  8. Intolerable Acts
  9. Albany Plan of the Union
  10. Quartering Act
  11. Common Sense
  12. Articles of Confederation
  13. Shay's Rebellion
  14. Federalists
  15. Anti-Federalists
  16. Federalist Papers
  17. 3/5 Compromise
  18. Great Compromise
  19. Olive Branch Petition
  20. Virginia Plan
  21. New Jersey Plan

1.2.3 Unit 3: Chapters 7-9

  1. Thomas Jefferson
  2. Alexander Hamilton
  3. The Joy Treaty
  4. Whiskey Rebellion
  5. Louisiana Purchase
  6. "War Hawks"
  7. 1807 Embargo Act
  8. Non-Intercourse Act
  9. Macon's Bill No. 2
  10. Missouri Compromise of 1820
  11. McCulloch v. Maryland
  12. Fletcher v. Peck
  13. Eli Whitney
  14. Francis Cabot Lowell
  15. Monroe Doctrine
  16. 2nd Great Awakening

1.2.4 Unit 4: Chapters 10-11

  1. Whigs
  2. American System
  3. Trail of Tears
  4. William Lloyd Garrison
  5. Transcendentalism
  6. Ralph-Waldo Emerson
  7. Henry David Thoreau
  8. Brook Farm
  9. Seneca Falls Convention
  10. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  11. Frederick Douglas
  12. American Anti-Slavery Society
  13. Horace Mann

1.2.5 Unit 5: Chapters 12-14

  1. Manifest Destiny
  2. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
  3. Nativism
  4. Harriet Beecher Stowe
  5. Nat Turner
  6. Popular Sovereignty
  7. Sutter's Mill
  8. Compromise of 1850
  9. Kansas-Nebraska Act
  10. Bleeding Kansas
  11. John Brown

1.2.6 Unit 6: Chapters 15-16

  1. Ulysses S. Grant
  2. William Seward
  3. Homestead Act of 1862
  4. Emancipation Proclamation
  5. Freedmen
  6. Ten-Percent Plan
  7. 13th Amendment
  8. Black Codes
  9. Scalawag
  10. Carpet Baggers
  11. 15th Amendment
  12. KKK
  13. Dawes Act of 1887
  14. Battle of Wounded Knee
  15. Frederick Jackson Turner
  16. Munn v. Illinois (1877)

1.2.7 Unit 7: Chapters 17-18

  1. Molly Maguire's
  2. Knights of Labor (1869)
  3. American Federation of Labor (AFL)
  4. American Railway Union
  5. Robber Barons
  6. Andrew Carnegie
  7. J.P. Morgan
  8. John D. Rockefeller
  9. Interstate Commerce Act
  10. Granger Laws
  11. Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)
  12. Wabash case
  13. Interstate Commerce Commission
  14. Salvation Army

1.2.8 Unit 8: Chapters 19-20

  1. Gilded Age
  2. Boss Tweed
  3. Populist Party
  4. Jacob Coxey
  5. Joseph Pulitzer
  6. William Randolph Hearst
  7. Plessy v. Ferguson
  8. Booker T. Washington
  9. W.E.B. Dubois
  10. Square Deal
  11. Muckrakers
  12. Jane Addams
  13. Niagara Movement
  14. NAACP
  15. The Jungle
  16. Pure Food and Drug Act
  17. Hepburn Act
  18. Sherman Antitrust Act
  19. Margaret Sanger
  20. Eugene Debs

1.2.9 Unit 9: Chapters 21-22

  1. Roosevelt Corollary
  2. Open Door Policy
  3. Maine
  4. Alfred Mahan
  5. Lusitania
  6. Sussex Pledge
  7. Zimmerman telegram
  8. Schenck v. U.S.
  9. Fourteen Points
  10. Treaty of Versailles
  11. League of Nations
  12. Sacco & Vanzetti
  13. Red Scare
  14. Harlem Ranaissance
  15. Marcus Garvey
  16. "Lost Generation"
  17. Scopes Trial
  18. Prohibition
  19. Langston Hughes
  20. Buying on Margin

1.2.10 Unit 10: Chapters 23-24

  1. Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1934)
  2. Bonus Army (1932)
  3. Dust Bowl
  4. Wheeler-Howard Act (1934)
  5. CIO
  6. Huey Long
  7. Court Packing
  8. Appeasement
  9. Blitzkrieg
  10. Four Freedoms
  11. Lend Lease
  12. Atlantic Charter
  13. Harry Truman
  14. Holocaust
  15. Manhattan Project
  16. Japanese Internment
  17. United Nations
  18. Rosie the Riveter

1.2.11 Unit 11: Chapters 25-26

  1. Taft-Hartley Act
  2. Marshall Plan
  3. Truman Doctrine
  4. Military-Industrial Complex
  5. Containment
  6. NATO
  7. Warsaw Pact
  8. Braceros
  9. Joseph McCarthy
  10. HUAC
  11. Rosenberg Trials
  12. 1956 Highway Act
  13. Peace-Corps.
  14. Alliance for Progress
  15. Bay of Pigs
  16. Cuban Missile Crisis
  17. New Frontier
  18. NASA
  19. Jack Kerouac

1.2.12 Unit 12: Chapters 27-28

  1. 1954 Brown v. Board
  2. Little Rock, Arkansas
  3. Rosa Parks
  4. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  5. Civil Rights Act of 1957
  6. Civil Rights Act of 1960
  7. Greesboro Sit-In
  8. SNCC
  9. Freedom Riders
  10. Civil Rights Law of 1964
  11. Black Panthers
  12. Malcom X
  13. Cesar Chavez
  14. AIM
  15. Domino Theory
  16. LBJ
  17. Miranda v. Arizona (1966)
  18. Betty Friedan
  19. Great Society
  20. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
  21. Tet Offensive
  22. Student Democratic Society
  23. Détente
  24. Vietnamization

1.2.13 Unit 13: Chapters 29-31

  1. Roe v. Wade (1973)
  2. New Federalism
  3. Nixon Doctrine
  4. Affirmative Action
  5. Equal Rights Amendment
  6. Camp David Accords
  7. Iran Hostage Crisis
  8. Moral Majority
  9. Economic Recorvery Act
  10. Iran Contra Affair
  11. Supply Side Economics

1.3 Study Guides

1.3.1 Unit 1

1.3.2 Unit 2

1.3.3 Unit 3

1.3.4 Unit 4

1.3.5 Unit 5

1.3.6 Unit 6

1.3.7 Unit 7

1.3.8 Unit 8

1.3.9 Unit 9

1.3.10 Unit 10

1.3.11 Unit 11

1.3.12 Unit 12

1.3.13 Unit 13

Date: 2019-10-15 Tue 00:00

Author: Soren

Created: 2020-03-04 Wed 17:42
